Build a Word Express

Build a  Word Express
Build A Word Spelling Express helps students as young as three learn how to spell. Students are motivated through positive reinforcement in the form of a fun balloon popping game (optional) offered after each successfully "written" word.

Advantage for Special Need Students:
* option of using blank background helps children focus on letters only
* option to choose high-contrast background for visually impaired
* option to choose answer method: drag&drop or simple tap
* the letters are easy to spot due to big letter cards
* no frustration since visual and audio prompts in the Learn Mode lead the child step by step through the correct spelling process
*the right spelling technique becomes salient since the app leads the child step by step through spelling allowing dragging one letter at a time in the correct order
* choose any number of redundant letters: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
* wrong letters become obvious with the help of immediate sound feedback heard after tapping the wrong letter
* repetition of audio prompt helps with hearing and remembering the word and letters